01 August 2023

Executive / Leadership Coaching

Executive/Leadership Coaching

: I use the term Executive and Leader broadly to mean any individual who can influence other individuals and/or who can make a significant contribution to the mission and effectiveness of an organisation.

Leadership/Executive coaching has become an increasingly popular method for organisations to develop and enhance the leadership skills of their managers and potential managers.

By providing a platform for personal and professional growth coaching is considered the most effective way of talent management and senior management development.

Defining Leadership Coaching:
Executive/Leadership coaching is an experiential and individualised development process that builds a leader’s capabilities and performance to achieve short-and long-term organisational and personal goals. It is conducted through one-on-one interactions, driven by information from multiple perspectives, and based on mutual trust and respect.

Leadership Competencies: Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviours
Leadership competencies are the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that effective leaders possess. Some of these competencies include emotional intelligence; interpersonal communication, decision-making, problem-solving, continuous learning, teambuilding, and strategic thinking. Coaching helps leaders develop these competencies, which in turn, improves their performance and effectiveness as leaders.

The effectiveness and performance of a leader can be defined as Developed potential minus Obstacles/Interference. These obstacles can be internal i.e., fear or external i.e., organisational issues. The coach and the leader focus on how to minimise interference while at the same time develop potential further.

Important Elements of Leadership Coaching
Leadership coaching focuses on developing the leader as a person, not just their skills and competencies. The important element for growth includes:
  • Self-awareness which is gained through feedback and various assessment techniques helps leaders understand their strengths, development areas, and blind spots.
  • Emotional Intelligence which includes Self-Acceptance is more than mere acknowledgement of feedback and assessments. It means embracing and believing that the awareness and feedback that you receive is valid and reliable and calls for deep reflection and action.
  • Action includes specific goals that is agreed between coach and coachee. When left alone, many of us approach personal change with great enthusiasm but little planning. Although enthusiasm is important, even critical, enthusiasm alone is rarely enough to achieve desired goals. The coach must ensure that there is an appropriate plan in place that will guarantee focused and desired outcomes.

Benefits for Individuals and Organizations
Individual Benefits: Personal Growth, Career Advancement, and Work-Life Balance.

Organisational Benefits: Increased Productivity, Team Performance, and Employee Engagement.

Coaching Techniques and Approaches
As leadership coaching has grown in popularity, various coaching models and methods have been developed. I personally use a variety of assessments, models, tools, and techniques to enhance a leader's self-awareness, develop their competencies, and help them overcome any obstacles that they may be facing.

As a qualified MLNP (Multi-Level Neuro Processing) Coach, I also use MLNP to enhance and achieve agreed goals and to minimise obstacles that hinders the development of the leader.

Difference between leadership coaching and mentoring?
Leadership coaching and mentoring are both focused on personal and professional development. However, the main difference is that mentoring involves a more experienced person (the mentor) sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience with a less experienced person (the mentee). In contrast, coaching is a collaborative and non-directive process, where the coach helps the coachee to identify and achieve goals through a variety of coaching techniques.

Factors to consider when choosing a Leadership Coach:
An executive coach is knowledgeable and competent in in applying the following areas:
  • Individual and Leadership assessment
  • Adult learning
  • Organisational systems and development
  • Change management
  • Leadership development
  • Extensive business knowledge and experience at an executive level
  • Other areas of expertise demanded by the coaching goals i.e., team building; career development; organisation structures etc.

When selecting a leadership coach, it is important to consider their credentials and experience (apart from good chemistry and trust). A coach must have certification from an accredited coaching institute and must be a member of at least one professional coaching institute.

How long does a typical leadership coaching engagement last?
The duration of a leadership coaching engagement depends on the goals and needs of the coachee. Some coaching relationships may last only a few sessions, while others may continue for several months or even years.

Integrating Coaching with Talent Management: Coaching as a developmental strategy is not a “once-and-done” or quick-fix tool. High potential leaders will need a succession of counsellors, teachers, coaches, mentors and guiding during the course of a successful career. Development takes place over time and requires ongoing assessment, feedback, guidance, and support.

Coach Francois Prinsloo is an accredited MLNP Coach and Trauma Counsellor with extensive experience in a variety of business sectors. His experience involves being active as executive, coach, and consultant.

Executive / Leadership Coaching